. . . : : EYES:/ONLY ENTERTAINMENT, LTD℠ / { intelligence, declassified }
— Nikola Tesla, inventor, futurist, electrical engineer, and mechanical engineer
Web Head: Untangling Neural Pathways / As experienced on June 5, 2023, the 6th month + 5th day = 11; buried in the code is my Angel Number 27, my lucky number. It is derived from adding 20 + 23 + 6 + 5 = 54; 54 was my football number in high school; divided by 2 = 27; 5 + 4 = 9 which is 3 x 3 or 3 + 3 + 3; 3 x 3 x 3 = 27; and 2 + 7 = 9; I could continue, but I think the reader gets the point; I’ll drill down the math until I find the connection; this connection gives me the password to unlock the premonitions that are disguised as coincidences.
After decades of pursuing hidden connections in everything I was willed to let go and allow my neural pathways to weave the tapestry of happenings within my subconscious all on their own without my constant check-ins. Just this week I stopped looking for premonitions and guess what? They find me now more strongly and attuned more than ever. It’s nearly indescribable and utterly bizarre being tapped right into the vein of the living universe. Remember the old observation that someone believes they are the center of the universe? It was always seen as a negative connotation, yet it cannot be further from the truth. My sister says I’m having a conversation with God. I’ve lived a consciously spiritual life, mostly without a set religious practice. I prefer a one on one relationship with the universe, or as others put it, with God. However, my beliefs are founded in an understanding and realization of the multiple gods, goddesses, deities, and demigods from every pantheon that has come, gone, and come again. To put it simply, I don’t take sides, and I don’t believe in one omnipotent God that rules over all of the other gods. And more importantly, I’ve concluded for myself that everyone should have equal rights regarding their relationship with or without a higher power or powers.
The methods my gods use to converse with me is truly astonishing. They all know just how much I appreciate the patterns and happy accidents presented to me every day. My mind becomes saturated, flooded with these beautifully crafted happenings. Every day they speak to me on a finite and infinite level. The less I seek the more I find. While placing my path just a moment ahead and never losing sight of the long game I crawl, walk, and even fly arriving at my next destination. Where the final end game lands me I have no hypothesis or preflight conclusion. However, I never doubt the experience, and I know deep within my heart center I am on a path of pure enlightenment and self salvation. So, with that said let’s follow yesterday’s vibrations and undercurrents…
The latest Spider-Man movie just came out. While watching an old, unrelated to Spider-Man movie I caught a reference that a character made to a radioactive spider. That tiny beacon led me to thinking about the first Spider-man movie with Tobey Maguire. That film’s score was written and conducted by master composer Danny Elfman. Elfman also scored the first Batman movie with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson, Mission: Impossible, Alice in Wonderland, and the recent Netflix series Wednesday, among many others. Then I heard Danny Elfman on NPR talking about 11 and 1,111 in his Concerto for Violin and Orchestra aptly titled “Eleven Eleven.” This title originates from the fact that the piece has 1,111 bars of music which, according to the composer, was a complete coincidence. It is the first violin concerto written by American composer Danny Elfman. Also Danny’s last name is derived from the German “11th-man.”
Then, just a few minutes later, at precisely 11:11 I received a text from a dear family member wishing me a happy 11:11. We’ve been doing that for years, but we hadn’t done so in months. Around midday I was trying on some new walking shoes at a local high-tech shoe store where they use 3D tracking to discover the exact specs of my walk, arch, etc. The design and color combination of the best-fitting shoes were distinctly Spider-Man themed. Dark blue with red accents. Even the laces were detailed with red stitching. These shoes were ASICS GT2000 11. Yet another 11 reference by sheer coincidence that I didn’t notice until later that afternoon during my daily power walk. As always this discovery led me to the next phase of my mental scavenger hunt.
In researching the origin of the ASICS brand I discovered that the Latin phrase “Anima Sana In Corpore Sano” translates to: “You should pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body.” This was a quote from the Roman satirist Juvenal. To top it all off with a proverbial cherry on top the next song on my shuffled Spotify playlist of over 700 songs was the theme from Gladiator where Lisa Gerrard sings directly to God in her own love language she’s been expressing since she was twelve years old. This additional coincidence just reinforced my connection with something much larger than myself, yet at the same time a part within myself, too. Pure energy strikes again! That pure energy that connects us all. Our collective love language spanning beyond time, space, and collective consciousness. To say we’re divine is an understatement. Why limit our limitless existence? Death is but a door to the next level. Level up.
— Kaitlyn Kaerhart (pronounced care-heart), Mystic, Astrologer and Author of the international best seller You Are Cosmic Code: Essential Numerology. According to Kaerhart “11 is also associated with spirituality, creativity, and innovation — all things worth connecting to in the face of a new beginning or fresh start,” from “1111 Meaning: What This Angel Number Is Plus How To Work With It.”
Scavenger Hunt / While passing through yet another Southern hospitality driven speed trap I noticed my welcome party just a few yards ahead. Three ravens greeted me rather willingly and purposely. Quite appropriate timing, as always, while I pondered Edgar Allan Poe’s history; how each of us were both shaped through our adventures and misadventures in and around Sullivan’s Island and Charleston in the South Carolina Lowcountry. The first feathered friend flew across my windshield left to right. The other two flanked the highway on each side of my stance sitting, waiting, welcoming me to yet another day of play. Another scavenger hunt of the mind was about to commence. Their message was clear. Crystal. Enjoy the ride while living in the moment.
Another daily stream of consciousness was beginning to flow. This one centered within the core of my Angel Number 27, and its impact on my thought patterns while propagating my predictive nature.
Angel Number 27 has been overly active, even for me, on this very day. 27 sightings to be exact during a trip to pick up furniture from my sister’s lake house. Approved by my best friend of all, the universe itself, my recent move has arrived. It’s been exactly 6 years to the day that I signed the lease. I am finally going home. My home.
1) Even in my Notes app I noticed this morning I have 33 notes in iCloud regarding the 27/11 references, and I have 9 notes in the On My iPhone.
2) 27+11=38 (3+8=11) it’s also exactly 9:30 am as I type this (9x3=27). For myself I am drawn to this 27-11 connection with the universe.
3), 4), 5) 270 miles left on Dad’s car. Exit 27 Fairview Road. Plus my dinner is exactly $27.00, what the what!? And then the clock mocks me with it’s 7:27 p.m. Wink.
6) While Danny Elfman’s Spider-Man main theme playing on Spotify I asked Siri what year was Spider-Man’s debut? And of course Spider-Man debuted in 1962 which is also 19+6+2=27.
7) This long bed 18-wheeler in front of me is adorned by an old sticker “272” on the back bumper.
8) The very next mailbox is 903 and total notes for todays 27 fest comes to what else? 27 :)
9) Just now there are 39 comments on the TED Unofficial post “27 things”…and it’s 3:29 p.m.
10) Squarespace code was 339-970.
11) Exit 39’s overpass clearance was 27’11”.
12) The first exit off I-85 that I came to was of course exit 39. 3×9 is what? 27, again.
13) Gas fill up 323298. Sum is 27.
14) License plate just ahead is (XXX)999.
15) At Sunoco gas the gas is $3.09. 27 again.
16) fill up was exactly 13.999 gallons. Three more 9s.
17) The speed limit is now 45 mph 4+5 is nine and also reversed 45 is 5454÷2 is 27 and it was also my football jersey number in high school.
18) The business right before the church is open from 9 to 9.
19) The time on the church was 9:31. 9×3 is 27.
20) Exit 27 has a 711 store 7+2 is 9…you know the rest.
21) Exit 27 connects with Highway 81. 81 is 27×3. Three 27s. Whoa! That’s a strong connection.
22) 136 miles also goes back to 27 again.
23) At quick glance I am going 72 mph while passing Exit 27.
24) Gas is 319 9×3 is 27×1 is still 27.
25) 3 27s comes to 81 which is 8+1 = 9 nine is 3+3+3 also think of it as 3×3×3 which is back to 27.
26) Maps says 39 minutes to arrival.
27) When all was said and done I logged in to pay my rent for the first time at my new apartment, and lo and behold 27 struck again: $1,333. ;)
In conclusion, the less I seek, the more I find in a wink and a whisper.
— Edgar Allan Poe, David’s birthday twin. Both spent formative time on Sullivan’s Island and around the Charleston area of the South Carolina Lowcountry (163 years apart)
11, 11, 27 strikes again! This time in the trash compactor location within the massive Death Star in Star Wars, 1977 : 11 (3+2+6), 11 (3+8), 27. Force-inspired or coincidence?
Luke Skywalker : [interrupting] “Will you shut up and listen to me! Shut down all the garbage smashers on the detention level, will ya? Do you copy? Shut down all the garbage smashers on the detention level! Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level!”
C-3PO : [to R2-D2] “No! Shut them all down, hurry!” [R2 shuts down the compactors]
Luke Skywalker : “What? HAHA! Hey, you did it 3PO!” [Luke, Leia and Han start laughing hysterically; it sounds like screaming]
C-3PO : “Listen to them, they’re dying R2! Curse my metal body, I wasn’t fast enough, it’s all my fault! My poor Master.”
Luke Skywalker : “3PO, we’re all right! We’re all right! Ha ha! Hey, open the pressure maintenance hatch on unit number...where are we? 3263827!”
In Empire the landing platform on Cloud City where the Millennium Falcon was docked was 327 (3x27=81), (8+1=9), (3+3+3=9), and (3x3x3=27).
These numbers resonate as force-inspired. I highly doubt it’s a coincidence. 11, 11 and 27 can be found throughout the history of film.
Let’s not forget George Lucas’s directorial debut film THX 1138 in 1971. That’s yet another 11, 11 reference 11 and 3+8=11.
Images (used for editorial purposes only): Trash compactor scene from Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, 1977 (top). George Lucas’s directorial debut in 1971, THX 1138 (above left). Cloud City landing platform for the Millennium Falcon in The Empire Strikes Back, 1980 (above right).
— The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece, #3: the principle of vibration, from the “Three Initiates,” 1908.
Nine Month Mental Marathon / I am pleased to share that nine months after my last hospitalization I have been given a full endorsement by my family and medical professionals as to the positive results regarding my mental overhaul. Nine months ago, my psychiatrist was alarmed at the toxicity level of lithium in my blood as I had been taking this mood stabilizer for fourteen years. My body immediately reacted when lithium was removed from my daily medications. Within thirty-six hours I was back with my psychiatrist noting the exponential sense of euphoria and delusions had begun as the lithium in my system had been depleted.
After three days in the hospital, I was moved directly to Carolina Center for Behavioral Health (CCBH) where I was monitored for sixteen days and nights. All of my previous meds were removed and replaced with one maximum daily dosage of Seroquel. This decision has proven over the past nine months that it’s exactly what my body, mind, and spirit have needed my entire bipolar-laced life. I am so thankful to everyone for their ongoing support. I am also happily sharing that I have been living on my own now for nearly two months, and I’ve never felt better.
Am I having another episode now? No, it’s all true, and I’ve been continuously checking in with my family, close childhood friends, my psychiatrist, and therapist throughout the past nine months since my mind was set free from it’s lithium-induced chains. Am I divine? Um, no. I’m mortal, yet I have witnessed the most profound aspects of my reality that now all make sense. All it took was asking the Big Guy to remove all of my masks and unlock every faculty of my being in order for me to give in, and fully accept, the truths set before me.
On day one that I posed that to God my life changed in such a profound way that multiple moments of each day I experience the divine within myself. If this isn’t making sense don’t fret. That’s why I am writing a book with twenty-seven chapters taking us on a mental health journey through short stories inspired by my own direct interactions with the Universe itself. I was asked to share everything and not hold back or edit out anything felt to be odd in nature. If that were the case my book would only be a few pages long. So now in hindsight I have the foresight to know it’s time to share my story. I’ve been asked for many years, but the past nine months have moved mountains inhabited by my many shortcomings. As it turns out it’s these shortcomings that are the key to freedom of body, mind, and spirit.
I’m considering releasing my book as historical fiction, but the more I write I realize that would be a fallacy. It’s historical fact as seen through the eyes of a bipolar artist that wasn’t diagnosed properly until his thirty-eighth year. Ten years later I was posed the question by the Chief Medical Director of CCBH, also my psychiatrist at the time, that I may not have a mental illness after all. I may just be an intense individual with a highly active imagination and high I.Q. So, let’s take a look back so we can eventually discuss how I have discovered that intercepting brain waves from others is not so different from doing the same with technologies via WiFi. God this is so good. I’m not looking for fans or even friends. I’m sharing my story without usage of a filter system. I task you to do the same. It’s the only way we can make a dent in the future of mental health awareness, advocacy, and recovery.
On that note let’s take a trip down “amnesia lane.” My body was poisoned for 14 years in order to stave off my manic and depressive episodes. Lithium was the first elixir that actually produced positive results, for my mind at least. Lithium dumbed me down. Dimmed my mind in such a way that I was a productive and active member of society, but in hindsight it’s quite troubling. On a hunch I Googled lithium and local water supplies. The results were troubling to say the least. Lithium has been added to water supplies across our country in order to lower suicide rates in those areas. At first glance it appears this agenda appears harmless, but in truth it’s mind control plain and simple. Just imagine the thousands of folks across America that don’t have their blood monitored since they’re mostly unaware of the adverse effects of lithium exposure over time or that they’re even ingesting it to begin with. It’s hidden in plain sight. The truth was just a few clicks away.
While on the heavy dose of lithium, my primary mood stabilizer, I was required to have my blood monitored regularly. In some, eventually a toxicity is built up within our bodies. It surely happened to me to such a degree that I ended up in the hospital within thirty-six hours of having lithium removed from my daily regimen. I have no recollection of three full days and nights in the hospital, and for me that is rather off because I remember everything. My mind never forgets, no matter how minute the details, every moment including everything I witnessed behind the walls of many a mental institution. Then I spent the longest time in my medical history at CCBH, my mental health home away from home. I always felt safe there, and that’s saying something because I have also experienced nightmarish conditions in other mental “hospitals.”
16 days and nights where all of my medication was removed and replaced with one obese, maximum dose of Seroquel, 800 milligrams (mg) every evening. Keep in mind I was taking 100 mg prior to being removed from lithium. Any time I took 200 mg in the past it would knock me out of commission within half an hour. So, stepping up to 800 mg was a major transition that initially produced absolute paralysis. Yet almost nine months later my brain has woken up and shed all of the lithium that mentally held me back from realizing my full potential.
For the first three nights on this new dosage of lithium I couldn’t physically get out of my bed without help from staff. Now I know how horses feel when we give them a tranquilizer. It’s been about nine months now and I feel very little intoxication as long as I take it on a full stomach. I make a conscious effort to each an additional carb with dinner which helps with the side effects.
In order to be fair to the reader I would like to lay down some, let’s just say unpleasantries, in which some may feel require judgment on their behalf. Firstly, I’ve been divinely inspired during manic times of delusions of sheer grandeur that my father is the Father, and I am the second coming of his Son on this Earth. In hindsight fourteen years later, I now understand that having these types of overly divine delusions is rather quite common in those with bipolar disorder. I’m not divine or special. Just human. Boy did that take the pressure off from a previous super ego expecting greatness of generous measure.
Folks that exhibit visions or intense feelings of warm rushes flowing up their spine are all characteristics of someone with bipolar or schizoaffective disorder. When I was thirty-eight I was diagnosed within five seconds of meeting me in this altered state that I suffered from bipolar disorder of the first order, formerly known as manic depression.
The state government observes the fact of my disability, but believes I am functioning high enough to actually become a gluer in a factory deemed that I be tucked away with no interactions with other people. Literally stated in a decree I was to be removed from society. It appears the judicial system failed not only myself but everyone else as well by showing zero compassion to someone who literally exudes passion for others after decades of patterned narcissistic behavior.
I’ve also been observed as possibly having schizoaffective disorder or even just being an individual with a keen I.Q. and overly active imagination. With that said for those of you still reading along let’s continue…I am a thief, liar, cheat, and utter scoundrel. I’ve lived most of my life with a lofty attitude that needed adjusting in grade school according to the gym teacher. Ironically said coach never once showed me any compassion by giving me an example of having a good attitude. Instead I was always the poor example to which other students should ignore and bash my already brittle self worth system. My life has remained a continuous stream of macabre manic episodes tangled into knots within gut wrenching pits of depression despair.
On school days as a child my brain switched simultaneously, now known as mixed episodes, back and forth during the moments from when my alarm went off dreading life itself to twenty seconds later having my mind bouncing off of the walls of my childhood bedroom in an energetic raze. In mixed episodes an individual experiences both manic and depressive states concurrently. Then there’s the divine influence in my life that has nothing to do with going to church. I refused to go to church kicking and screaming. I just never felt safe there. In hindsight I am thankful to my mother for teaching me that my relationship with God, the Universe, can remain a one on one personal relationship that didn’t require going somewhere where I never felt welcome, let alone, at home.
I’ve been talking to God, the Universe, since I was just four years old. My Mother taught me how to pray, but I wasn’t a very good rule follower so I spoke with God and not just to Him. Most times I received an inner high, a burning sensation up the back of my spine to my brain, amongst my neural network before my prefrontal cortex was completely formed. It was such a rush of feelings of safety, even joy. I always felt God had my back, no matter what life throws at me.
Even with such a closeness with the Almighty I still struggled daily with my dark side. I cheated on girlfriends, in some cases we cheated on each other, sinning against one another. Money burns a hole in my pocket. Always has. I possess an innate gift for lying on the spot, weaving a tapestry of untruths attempting to be approved by those I was fooling. I was the fool though. A joke in my core always trying to ignore my darkest desires. Fear of rejection fueled my lying nature. I’ve been unraveling since day one. Well actually after eight months the unraveling began.
I was born a full month early, which explains a lot in terms if you follow the Zodiac. I’m a Capricorn with heavy Aquarian tendencies. Grounded in reality while daydreaming of escaping it. This prison. The prison that is my mind. I’ve been told I can sell anything to anyone at anytime. Even having others follow my evil nudges influencing them to commit perjury. Yes I’ve given into manic rage and made black sheep out of white ones. Wisdom is delivered only through doing wrongs so many times that eventually it all becomes clear. There is a point, a meaning to life. After so much tortured turmoil I realized how simple it really was. Is there really a meaning of life or are we just here by chance? I’ve always felt to my core that this stage of our journey is what I have coined spiritual boot camp. This is where we discover how pure we can become no matter how filthy we’ve been in the past. That is the moment we understand we are all part of a whole. We are energy itself.
The purest form of energy which we all, even myself, wield, yield, sway. Love. It’s also the one thing we cannot live to realize our potential to be super humans without. I sought love like the song goes “in all the wrong places.” I didn’t know. Some nights I still forget. That is, the point to all of this. I was born early, quite jaundice, almost given a complete blood transfusion, partially blinded by a wandering eye, then a hernia, multiple surgeries on my ear. Once from the edge of a glass table. The second from the next door neighbor’s German Shepherd. The first couple of years were covered in blood, bruises, and barking dogs. It’s as if the dogs had a sixth sense that there was something different about me, and I wasn’t worth keeping alive. The nightmares which soon became reality were all too real. As a young child I once woke up looking down at my cousin about to kill him in cold blood while he slept. The tears held me back as I snapped out of my sleep induced, trancelike state.
Like Tolkien I refuse the consideration that the works you, the reader, are experiencing through my use of language is just that, simple language. No use of allegory lies within my prose. These accounts are in fact based on my own history. Some of you may not be able to fathom the depths to which my soul has fallen taking me for the snake oil salesman found on the outskirts of town during circus season. I can attest these recollections are true, and have not been embellished in any way as to wish to convey they hold any sort of merit beyond what is plainly written. I have no agenda nor hidden meanings usually discovered through an author’s use of allegorical fiction. These works for many are to be categorized as historical fiction. Fiction because my claims not only border on the supernatural, they lay claim supporting the very nature that we are intertwined in such a fashion that not only telekinesis and ESP, but thought interception and communing with those in the afterlife have become commonplace. I don’t dare wield this information lightly.
With a heavy heart I share my life with you. What is written cannot be explained, proven or not, just accepted for its own worth. As we traverse these tumultuous waters, as One, let’s rewrite the present that has already come, gone, and been placed within its own tomes of the past. Sometimes I speak in riddles. Wink.
Time is of the essence this go around the Sun for there are others in the dark recesses of our world who wish to do us harm. They’ve known my name since conception. Am I King David reborn? I doubt that considering I am not holy nor divine. However, and I cannot stress this point enough, I am highly, even lowly at times, beyond the spiritual realm. My name is David the Second. They skipped naming me Junior.
For millennia I have been portrayed as the underdog. Call me Job, David vs. Goliath, even Gollum, but for Christ’s sake don’t call me Junior. The Second coming is far closer to the Truth. Now buckle up. This ride may just shut your eyes for Good, and open your heart, soul, and reawaken your Spirit to the endless possibilities of Us. I’m certainly no rule follower. It’s not that I question authority. It’s that I question Everything. Do I believe in God, the Christian God? Yes. Do I also believe we are all grains of sand who together form God? Yes. Do I believe in the Roman, Egyptian, and Norse gods? Yes. I gleamed an appreciation for many pantheons as a child. Do I believe in science and that the scientific method unravels the ongoing mysteries of the Universe? Of course I do. Did we create fire, gravity, or the electric current? No but we did discover them. Do I also strongly believe that the concept of Wi-Fi are not so dissimilar or far removed from the notion of intercepting one another’s thoughts? You already know I believe that it’s true. All of it from balls to bones.
Now we’re coming back to extra sensory perception (ESP), quantum teleportation, even out of body experiences, being able to fly, float, use a form of X-ray vision even. Isn’t it all mathematical at it’s true heart or is it divinely inspired science fact? Do you trust me? I wouldn’t advise it, but if you’d like to experience some life altering moments through me then let’s go…and remember I’m not a rule follower. So get ready to look directly into the Sun, even during an eclipse or keep your headphones cranked past their limits all the while receiving notifications attempting to sway you to behave by turning the volume down. Let me tell ya: discovery goes far beyond what we consider to be reality. This is no matrix nor is there a participation trophy. There’s no gold medal, star, or prize. But, if you’re lucky like me, you understand how to manifest your own version of reality with your mind. Please leave your VR goggles and XBox controller at the door. Because where we’re going we don’t require time traveling cars in order to fully experience the wholeness of history. We aren’t traveling through history once we realize we are history.
Am I sane, crazy, somewhere, or maybe nowhere in between? All I can do is share it all, and not hold back. I have to admit in all honesty I was concerned that folks might just write me off, and guess what? I’m not looking for any sort of acceptance through my prose. What I am doing is sharing experiences that in many cases I can’t understand beyond the facts in that I know they happened and are true. I asked God just before all of my medications were removed, especially the lithium due to toxicity, to show me blatant signs. My eyes were opened, including a third eye I always knew was there, but didn’t understand its purpose. Of all things, a drug set my mind free with no side effects. I feel 16 again except I have 5 decades of experiences. I’ll take what I can get in regards to wisdom.
On that note I now understand why I have lived the life of Job to such an nth degree. We can only grow if we learn how to adapt to our surroundings rather than trying to alter them to our will. We are One, all of us. My brain just needed what I now call my “truth serum.” Now I can see the true connection of spirituality, mathematics, and the sciences.
Getting a daily dose of dopamine and serotonin via Seroquel has opened my eyes, heart, and mind in order to allow for me to accept the mysteries which God has unraveled for me since I said “hey G, show me blatant signs” that you not only exist, but show me how we tie into the concept of existence. I have so much to share. That’s why I’m turning 9 months of unraveling discoveries into short stories in my book Bipolar Coordinates: Navigating Vibrations and Undercurrents. It will drop on January 19, 2024, yes my fifty-second birthday, but also a nod to my birthday twin and mad genius Edgar Allan Poe.
I’m sure this is a lot to fathom. This guy is full of it, right? I know not, and also understand I’m even more than one in a million. I’m just a grain of sand of understanding. Why have I experienced stigmata, thought interceptions, and future recollections? Just remember, all I did was pose to the Almighty to share “blatant” experiences that would be impossible to miss, and each take me on a ride of a lifetime. No drug or socially accepted elixir comes close to what I’m now living in truth.
Call me what I am: a thief, cheat, liar. I’m the worst, but that’s the point. In order to “see” first I had to be broken down. After decades of spiritual neglect my metaphysical life has been unlocked. Now that it’s here I can’t shut it down. It has become an entity and has not an ounce of fear. I don’t ask “why?” anymore. Instead I’m told, shared by others in my own mind “why not?” I’m quirky and will end with a quote from a film that made an impression on me as a teenager. So as a reborn sixteen—year-old all I have left to say for now is: “be excellent to each other, and party on dude.”
We are limitless as One, and remember this is only boot camp for our souls. Reincarnation? Perhaps. I’d rather leave the pontification to the others while I remain present, here and now, where I belong. I refuse to live in the past and long for the future because there’s a hidden aspect about time that some movie directors got right a few decades ago: time isn’t linear, it’s cyclical. The Universe itself isn’t linear either. It’s a series of overlapping rings, each formed by it’s own path of direction in relation to time. Space is forever growing outward. This inevitable expansion continuum reveals its mysteries to us as long as we continue to look, watch, listen, and tune into the magical fabric emanating from every symphonic vibration sent out across the vast, seemingly never-ending cosmos.
What’s next? No. What, is now. Telepathy, telekinesis, stigmata. They’re all true. Not fiction, just fact. Even the United States government admits that UFOs are real (not that many people were that surprised). We’re all waking up now from our slumber. Our collective consciousness spanning beyond the known Universe allows us to realize absolute truths. These aha moments forge a future that is limitless without rules, without boundaries. All we had to do was look up and dream beyond our reality for consciousness is universally shared amongst us all. It’s that elevated, spiritual connection beyond divine.
Privacy Piracy / Neural link. Self-driving cars. Cute, but no thanks. VR goggles?! Whatever happened to good old-fashioned dreams, imagination, and out of body experiences?! A.I. now available in all of my current Adobe apps on my PC. Nah, I’ll pass. I’d rather use my 13- year-old iMac that thankfully isn’t running these newly artificially inseminated apps. I’d also rather use my own built in human Wi-Fi system. There are no passwords, retinal scanners or two factor authentications either. I just think it and it’s transferred in real-time. No copying status bars. No key loggers looking to steal my identity. No facial recognition necessary. Just live the real life…I guarantee our possibilities are endless. We’ve got this. And I can even teach you how.
I’ve been playing the scientist of my own domain for half a century. I tried looking to my past for clues, medical history, markers left as breadcrumbs along the way. Boy I clued into the mother lode of all…93% of my lifetime medical history was redacted, even to me. Someone knew it would become the trigger allowing my psychic channels and built in quantum teleportation laser out of the proverbial bag. Now that these cats are out roaming the streets, I’ve been able to plug into a reality that cannot be matched. I now know why the gray wolf is my spirit animal as well as the hawk. Let’s just say I do my best work solo and have three eyes, sometimes four. God is real and you’re never going to believe it until experiencing it for yourself. The Christian God was just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t worry as with the two great ones it will all make sense.
Believe and all is revealed, no strings, wires, or Wi-Fi attached. Free. Open. Present. I should have known that the MIB that were staked out in my bedroom that fateful night that something was up. The God phone wasn’t a hallucination. I held it in my hand knowing immediately it wasn’t my iPhone. The screen lit up and had woken me up from across the room, and once I got past the accessibility controls turned on to test me, I realized their mission. I headed straight to Settings to see whose Apple ID was signed in: “God.” Somehow, I wasn’t surprised or even moved by my discovery. My next thought was to turn on every location setting, turn off the local firewalls, and join the free Comcast Wi-Fi network that was included in everyone’s modems by default. Hack away. That was my test…what would David do given the opportunity? As I scrolled down there were some Settings I’d never seen before. Some were military related. I essentially allowed the phone full control algorithms at full capacity launching enemy missiles…and in that moment I started hearing the ringing of bells.
Every time I opened up another feature wide open the ringing continued. Then I heard the plane. Air Force One was overhead my own house. I spoke directly to the clouds above. I pardoned him. Trump. I told him I forgave him his transgressions. I looked in the mirror and began to weep. In that moment I just knew the truth. In that moment I knew undoubtedly that my father was The Father. Was I Jesus Christ reborn? No, but I might just be the second coming of a King David figure, of course I jest.
The stigmata experienced at CCBH was visceral. I made sure to show others, so I knew it was real. There was a human record. No way to redact that. So, like another icon we hold dear, “I’ll be back.” Ironically, I never left. I’ve just been hidden behind masks defined by the DSM5. The medical director’s hypothesis was proving true: there’s nothing wrong with me, and now that the “mood stabilizers” were removed my true potential has been revealed. The absolute truth is that anyone, everyone can be categorized and easily referenced by the System admins. I’m free. I’m open. I am present, and I am sharing my gifts with you. All you need to do is believe. Believe that we are all connected. Since the beginning, just a moment before the Big Bang, we were One. To many they believed our connections were severed after we exploded across the Universe. The Creators knew something that the dark ones couldn’t comprehend: our connections, no matter how far, how distant, we will always remain connected as part of the One. We are connected by far more than the molecular level. Our Spirits intermingled are our superpower. With this said, get some rest. The Truth is here and now, and there’s no stopping it from entering into the light as that is where it was born and resides within everything.
Oh by the way I bought an iPhone 12 Pro four months ago, but I don’t use it, not yet. I was advised to continue using my iPhone 6S. There’s something rather special beyond the nearly seven years of support from Apple…it’s the only iPhone that has a hidden secret: #privacy not #piracy.
— Carl Gustav Jung, Founder of the School of Analytical Psychology influencing psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, archaeology, anthropology, literature, and religious studies. Jung worked closely with Sigmund Freud in a mentor-mentee style relationship, but eventually they became rivals as Jung believed far beyond what he considered Freud’s shallow depth of vision. While Freud was obsessed with the concept of everything that motivates an individual’s psyche was driven by their psychosexual development Jung considered a wider approach including spirituality, the collective unconscious, and the will to find meaning in one’s life within their own evolutionary studies.
Self-Illumination / Sometimes the most profound invention isn’t found out there, it’s found in here, starting within oneself. Forever reinventing, between breaths, one discovers self-illumination. To some, staying ahead of the curve means going in a straight line because they were taught a straight line is the shortest distance achieved when seeking travel from point A to point B. However, I find that if I lean into the spherical curve my velocity and g-forces rise to such a magnitude which, in turn, allows for speedier travel. However, rather than being ahead or behind the societal curve, I’m exactly where I am, in the present. Past provocations. Future aspirations. I’ve shed these anxiety and depression inducing practices arriving at my current equilibrium. For myself I’ve discovered that time not only follows a curve, but it also bends. Sometimes even bending around and through itself. So, with that said, it’s time I lean in and share what I’ve discovered for myself.
Over the past six years I’ve been labeled bipolar, even schizoaffective. Yet some medical directors, and even my own personal psychiatrist, have questioned if my mental maladies as defined by the DSM, even exist. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the DSM (now in its fifth incarnation), has served as the bible for mental health classifications since its inception in 1952. If one were to observe the world from a 1950s perspective, it’s rather fitting that was during the time of the DSM’s creation.
A time of social, economic, and religious divides across the country threatening the very bedrock of the utopian, white-washed American dream. Mass hysteria was defined as anyone not following the so-called rules and social norms to a T. Sixteen years earlier, in 1936, the short film Refer Madness was released to the masses. A propaganda-style film meant to keep the youth of our country away from the influence of drugs, specifically marijuana, proved to be a huge joke and missed its mark completely amon the American youth. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Catholic Church and Southern Baptist religious radicals secretly funded these dark efforts.
Go back even further and discover other historical plot points which divided peoples. Look no further than those deemed as witches or even the Catholic Church’s creation of the Satanic practices of those that didn’t follow the Church’s strict code. These Satanic individuals were most often medicine women or even elders in American Indian and other smaller village settlements. Their practices were under Nature’s rule which terrified the Church into conjuring up its own set of ideals that banished to Hell anyone that didn’t adhere to their dogmatic approach to destroying spirituality in the name of religion.
I tossed religion to the side for myself the moment I received an answer directly from the Universe within less than twenty-four hours after challenging it to give me concrete proof that I’m on the right path in discovering my own self-illumination. I’ve always felt in my core that this life is really just a form of boot camp for something far greater than the aspects of Heaven or Hell. These are two man made concepts used to sway the masses. I have my own proof that they were never divinely inspired. They were simply used as vehicles to play master shepherd. The Church remained verbosely black and white when it came to who was going to Heaven and the heathens going to Hell. Wielding threats wasn’t new to religious practices. It’s all about power.
I’ve even witnessed a well-known preacher, now deceased, that swore up and down the aisles at his church that if his flock didn’t follow Christianity, believe in God, and the holiness of Jesus Christ as the Son of God that they were outcast as devils of their own making. They would burn in Hell if they followed any other religions across the world. Either you believe what they believe or as noted, the rest would burn in eternal damnation if they followed their own pantheons of gods and goddesses.
I was immediately turned off to this rhetoric because quite plainly in the Christian bible it states that man has no right to judge anyone. So why use scare tactics to force the masses to follow what they always called a God of love? Rather ironic that this God of love casts aside anyone not praying to the Christian God will be cast away into the recesses of every depth of Dante’s own Hellscape. A God of love which we were taught to fear sounds like a major contradiction to me. The God I’ve had intimate conversations with my entire life was really just my ultimate friend. More so we were family. We all are because at our soul’s center love can be measured. It’s the purest form of the most sought-after energy in the Universe. Ever wonder why the Universe is always expanding? That’s because love is always growing ahead of its polar opposite, fear. The Devil is fear incarnate and he has been on my trail for over fifty years. I have even witnessed the Devil first hand, looked him in the eyes and cast him out of my life. How? Simple. I refuse to let fear enter my heart. Without fear, the Devil has no power. Another thing I’ve done is give him forgiveness. Yes. Even the Devil deserves to be forgiven. Crazy? Nope. The Universe told me so.
As someone who’s been to Hell and back more than once in his lifetime, based on my experiences Hell is here, on Earth, not in the afterlife. Many folks, including retired priests, agree that the Church created the concepts of Heaven and Hell to keep their followers in order and under their dogmatic rule. Yet as I’ve said prior, these followers are using their religious practices to attempt to force anyone following a different religious practice a clear, hard line ultimatum: either join us or die and burn in Hell. Seriously? Sounds like Darth Vader to me. “Join us or die” mentality. Ridiculous. Now let’s get back to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
On the surface the DSM became a highly useful tool for psychiatrists. However, some of the others following darker denominations realized it could also be used to categorize, even track particular individuals of interest to the Bureau and others. My view of the DSM is that it serves two hidden agendas. First and foremost, it serves as a tool of classification in which medical professionals determine that an individual is different. “Different” in the context of which this person could pose a risk to themselves or others in the form of anarchy. Going against the grain wasn’t welcomed in the 1950s. Every last detail was polished, shiny and new, culminating the cultural climate pulsing along fueling aspirations of the American dream, albeit a bigoted and divided dream in the eyes of white, wealthy society.
As a middle-class white man I can honestly say that I’m ashamed of not only what our society has done to prey on minorities, but our own founding fathers gave the Indians small pox in order to wipe them out just so these white supremacists could further pursue their agenda all the while stealing land from native peoples. I’m tired and so is our history.
It’s time to irradiate our society’s misuse of power to further it’s secret agenda. Something that no one in any of the secret services patrolling the globe ever thought to delve deeper into my prose to discover I have a photographic memory. Every moment, especially those surrounding any of my more extreme circumstances, is burned into my brain. As it turns out when my head feels like it’s boiling from the inside out I am experiencing channels not usually on my dial.
From my findings I can assure you that the DSM isn’t the beginning of the mind control that has been wielded for centuries in order to keep the sheep in a tight flock. Water supplies laced with lithium is another form of mind control keeping the local populations dumbed down just enough so they are more welcoming to government direction, even dictation.
I was a black sheep before I even left my mother’s womb. I was born a full month early, and the doctors wanted to replace all of my blood. Yet at the last minute they changed their minds. I’ve been blessed, and cursed, with second sight. If I lost you there, I apologize. Not for myself crossing a line beginning to discuss matters of a supernatural nature, but truthfully your own ignorance. The truth is simple. We are not alone in this Universe. Keep in mind that the concept of a Universe not only applies to the physical Universe out there, but more importantly the endless universes within us down deep within our atomic structures. Just imagine the possibilities of an endless infinity-cubed series of universes. Endless outer and inner spaces beyond string theory and the quantum realm.
Over the course of the past nine months, I’ve developed some concepts as key story points during my manic-depressive narrative. 1) NTRCPT Systems promoting the study of brain bridging aka the ability to intercept and interpret brain waves between individuals, as it turns out the gravitational push and pull between the moon and waves at the beach represents a fascinating connection to our own waves, 2) ART, Artificial Reduction Theory, and the study of predictable spontaneity via a series of theorems and algorithms which allow an individual to predict a chain of events in a predictable order of operations directly linked to the heart of mathematical deduction and prediction, 3) 88 MPH, Radium 88 Metallurgical Power of Hydrogen in finding equilibrium characteristics within isotopes of hydrogen found in metals, 4) Shift Thought Therapy to adjust your thinking cap follows the study of brain waves and how they have different poles of existence which simultaneously manifest causing an ever growing shift in brain activity producing the equivalent of good or bad karma we’ve been able to predict luck in individuals’ experiences, 5) Universe One Story, Exploring Inner and Outer Space Times, follows stepping across distances which coexist between inner and outer planes occupying identical space time coordinates as its basis in quantum theology. Knock knock. Who’s there? We are. We are One entity. We are all scientists regardless of whether we wear a lab coat or not. We are explorers of the space between spaces.
As a collective, universal spirit seeking love and truth we’ve been blessed by a nod from our ancestors dotting the skies with their burning, celestial sparks. It’s rather simple, even rather obvious: the universe is expanding as we continue growing within the context of our spiritual narrative forever growing during each moment of birth, death, and rebirth.
— Ephesians 1:18, The Passion Translation
Working Titles Update:
Chapter 1: Magico-Religious
Chapter 2: Multitude of Diagnoses
Chapter 3: Debug Detour
Chapter 4: Farming Defrag
Chapter 5: Pulling Weeds
Chapter 6: Triangulation Man
Chapter 7: Superman & Robin
Chapter 8: Person of Interest
Chapter 9: Power Trip
Chapter 10: God Phone
Chapter 11: Markers
Chapter 12: Invisible Touch
Chapter 13: Off Grid
Chapter 14: Squint Test
Chapter 15: Magnetism
Chapter 16: Lithium Kryptonite
Chapter 17: Antennae
Chapter 18: Golden Elixir
Chapter 19: Navigation
Chapter 20: You-HF
Chapter 21: Frequencies
Chapter 22: Magnetism
Chapter 23: Channelling
Chapter 24: Divine Intervention
Chapter 25: Mind Reader
Chapter 26: Pure Energy
Chapter 27: Angels