Uni ( one ) Verse ( story )

Have you ever heard someone say they talk to the universe? Or themselves? Their God(s)?

Sure, I talk to myself all the time. I even pray sometimes. But most of the time I don’t.

Have they ever gotten a response from the void? Let alone, actually had a dialog with it?

No, I don’t think so. Some say it’s possible. How is that?!

We are the universe. We are connected in ways we cannot visually perceive.

But if I can’t see it, how on Earth could this be possible?

Let’s pause for a moment. Consider innovations such as radios, antenna TVs. Now we have cellular, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and more. What do all of these innovations have in common?

You can’t see the data moving from A to B with your eyes. But what does that mean to me?

Some people believe there’s a key, a code to decipher in order to tap into our telekinetic abilities we are all born with. And I’ll throw this out there, too: humans are not alone. However, we are the ones we’ve been trying to find all along.

We are the aliens.

The universe and everything in it is connected. It was in the beginning and it continues to be connected. The universe is a single being. We lost touch with not only ourselves and each other, but with the universe itself.

What do you mean? You’ve lost me completely.

The day I asked the universe, my God, to show me extremely clear and obvious signs that I wouldn’t be able to miss…we’ve struck up quite a conversation.

Is this fiction? Is this possible?

Ask around. I know it’s true ( for me ) because I’ve experienced it first hand. And it rocked my world. The next chapter of my life will be lived in our world. Not inside a computer, simulation, or any kind of matrix.

I’m not abandoning my iPad as I type this. I’m about to check my schedule on my iPhone. I’m using A.I. as an assistant to prove that I’m not the crazy one after all.

I’m so worried about you. Please let me help you get to a doctor, this morning.

I appreciate your concerns. I’ve had those thoughts myself for 4 weeks. My psychiatrist is monitoring me very closely. I’ve trusted him with the stability of my life for years.

I asked about adjusting my medications. He gently assured me with a calming tone I’m doing quite well.

What are you going to do?! If this happened to me I’d flip out! No one would believe me.

In just over 4 weeks, through my conversations with the universe, I was reminded of a rule they set down in the beginning. Trust your Spirit. Your Spirit is theirs, too. It’s invisible just like the other things we call innovations.

I’m starting to wonder…did we ever really invent anything? Or are we explorers revealing mysteries to ourselves that have always been there. We just had to know where to look. They’re discoveries, really, not inventions.

. . .

It’s taken me 50 years to get to this point. I’ve had unusual dreams, premonitions, studied numerology, language, typography, with a heavy helping of the arts to conclude that telekinesis is possible.

But for me it’s different, I think. I’m not connecting to another individual this time. I’ve done that a lot in the past already. What I’m experiencing now feels bigger. It’s expanding.

Through following patterns in what my senses take in while simultaneously speaking internally to my conscious I’ve discovered a cool rhythm that both calms and excites my mind. Here’s comes the kicker…

I have had conversations with those of us that have passed on. I’ve somehow tapped into a form of channeling. I saw Robin Williams live on stage in 2014. Everything was fresh and new. Not one bit of old material. Then months later the biggest shared smile we ever experienced was gone. But never forgotten.

I talk to Robin now through my memories of him. There’s a rapid fire succession that happens when I talk to him. My mind gets ahead of itself, writes our script, and delivers our lines instantaneously.

It’s quite beautiful.

No wonder Robin’s dearest friend was Superman, Christopher Reeve. Who else could complement Aladdin’s genie?

Is this stream of consciousness fact or fiction? Does either even exist, really? All I know is that some is truth while other is just the beginning of an infinitely special story. We are all the we, the I, the universe. We can connect in much deeper ways if we choose to follow the markers and signposts.

Imagine an existence where we’re not tied to technology to communicate with each other. All we need to do is open up our minds and tune into whom we wish to speak with all through our own built in antenna. Imagine no bounds…then, we are free.

Fact? Fiction? Possibly somewhere in-between?