At 3:33 (3x3x3=27) pm on the 27th of August I was researching the hidden clues that have been discovered within one of the most famous and mysterious works in all of art history. I can only attribute the timing of my researching Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper to the concept of the Divine Comedy of Dante which contains three sections: Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso. Each one consisting of thirty-three cantos or the division within this long work of poetic prose (so that’s three 3s, or 27, again). I’m not referring to a literal translation, more so a wink at the idea that here I am unbeknownst to the time of day I glance at my clock and note the time is 3:33 pm. All I’m saying is that God has a sense of humor as do all gods within every culture. Also curious is that today is August 27th (3x3x3=27), my Angel Number. This number is considered by many to be the most spiritual of numbers as it is constructed of three 3s. It is three to the third power and the numbers add up to 9 which is 3+3+3. The number 27 speaks to me, guiding me with markers that always lead to something else just around the corner. I discuss the power of 27 in my life further on the eyes:/only page. For a thorough explanation of the hidden messages found within The Last Supper go here.