The Lost Art of the Movie Poster

I’ll never forget the Richard Amsel-illustrated movie poster for Raiders of the Lost Ark (below far left) that donned a corner of my teenage room growing up. I was enamored with the rich detail and texture the artist rendered for my favorite whip-wielding adventurer hero.




Then one day I saw another poster thinking it was Amsel's latest creation, but his signature was absent from the corner. Scribed in a similar location was the simple, understated, lowercase script “drew.” I didn’t know at first sight that the artist, Drew Struzan, was one of the most iconic album cover and movie poster illustrators of all time.

Drew could somehow depict an entire movie’s essence in one illustration. His rendering transcended the film itself, elevating it to a whole other level. His Thing poster is one of the most original and captivating of all of his designs (above far right). And in true artistic fashion, he rendered it in one night. According to an interview with Drew Struzan the paint was still wet when it left his studio. He also had no reference material to draw from, only his own vastly rich imagination.

Both artists’ works all shared one thing: they were all one of a kind original works of art, not mass produced Photoshop-styled montages. These Photoshop jockeys, as they’ve been referred to, merely attempt to capture both Amsel’s and Struzan’s essence, and nearly always miss the mark by a long shot.

Traditional materials could never be completely replaced by modern-era pixel pushers. To explore Richard Amsel’s portfolio visit this tribute by Adam McDaniel. For more information on Drew Struzan watch The Man Behind the Poster. Also enjoy his extensive portfolio site here.