David Lynch on Consciousness & Bliss

I’ve been subscribed to the “T&H Inspiration & Motivation” channel on YouTube for a long time. Just came across this gem. David Lynch gets it, and I love how he articulates how it just keeps getting better. His sincere, inspired dialogue speaks volumes. The power of the mind is deeper than we can currently fathom. I don’t know about you, but I’ve got some serious spelunking to do.

“There’s an ocean of pure, vibrant consciousness inside each one of us. And it’s right at the source and base of mind. Right at the source of thought, and it’s also at the source of all matter.”

— David Lynch

It took me 50 years to begin to unravel my own shared, collective consciousness. I share David’s sentimentality in that it not only gets better, but the more I allow the flow to expand, the more exponential the growth.

This awakening is quite inline as to how Leonardo da Vinci describes how everything is connected to everything else. There’s no denying it. The inner and outer cosmic playground is endless and filled with joy.