Christopher D’Olier Reeve (September 25, 1952 – October 10, 2004) was an American actor, film director, author, activist, and best friend to Robin Williams. The dynamic duo were first roommates at Juilliard which led to their lifelong friendship. In 1978 Reeve starred in Superman: The Movie, while that same year Robin Williams landed in his egg-shaped spaceship as Mork from Ork on Happy Days in “My Favorite Orkan.” In the fall of that same year Robin Williams and Pam Dawber arrived in our living rooms across America in Mork and Mindy. Today we remember and celebrate Christopher’s legacy. He will always be our Superman.
I was quite fortunate to see both of my childhood heroes years later as an adult. Christopher Reeve gave a talk one year in the late nineties at the Broadcast Designers Awards. He embodied a spirit unmatched. He truly was a super hero and super human. When my daughter was quite young she gave us tickets (via her mommy) to see Robin in Atlanta. Every moment was so fresh and new. He didn’t recycle any of his material from previous comedy tours.
Both of these super folk will forever be in our hearts for they gave us the recipe to truly fly and follow our dreams. I haven’t worked a day in my life. Every day is just another chance to dream and play on my own stage, and every now and then, fly as I did when I was a child gliding, swimming through the air down the hallway while my family slept.
“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, they then seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.”