Robin Williams forever changed our world and further redefined the boundaries of comic reality when we first met Mork in 1978. He starred as Mork from Ork in “My Favorite Orkan” on the TV sitcom Happy Days. After that successful episode Mork & Mindy was born. “NA-NUU, NA-NUU. Shazbot! Mork, calling Orsen. Come in, Orsen.” One of my favorite performances were his fabulously faceted roles as Genie in Aladdin, 1992, from Disney. I was fortunate enough to experience Robin live in Atlanta on October 16, 2009 at the Fox Theatre. He blew our minds especially in that all of his material was new and fresh. His charisma and infectious, passionate nature will never be matched. Robin was such an incredible humanitarian. He requested that each of the production studios include and employ a minimum of ten homeless people in each production. Throughout his career he assisted nearly 1520 homeless people though these outreach efforts. It’s been nine years on this day since his death. Robin is never forgotten and always in our hearts. He was proof that joy could exist in physical form.
Enjoy some of Robin’s most cherished moments as the many faces of Genie from Aladdin, 1992, from Disney.