Vecna’s Telltale Line Reveals a Hidden Secret

“It is time,” Vecna echoes casually taunting as it’s time for his next victim’s life to come to an end. He becomes stronger with each passing casualty eventually granting him enough power in forcing the portals wide open unleashing utter Hell onto Hawkins. Once he has consumed his four primary victims with each reverberating clang of the impending grandfather clock, he will be capable of opening all four gates. When he achieves this the earth cracked, shook, and fiery, devilish lava spewed forth cutting across the landscape, even melting Jason in half in the Creel House attic as S4’s climax erupted to an end of bellowing, black smoke and impending doom. Will knew it was just the beginning. The “beginning of the end,” Vecna taunted Eleven earlier in the finale “Piggyback” episode when he held her captive in his hellish Mindscape lair.

It’s quite literally “Eleven to One” in Stranger Things Season Four. Hiding in plain sight in Vecna’s line “it is time” hinting at the season’s primary plot point: an epic battle between two of Doctor Brenner’s pet projects during his tenure at Hawkins National Laboratory, filmed at the former Georgia Mental Health Institute in Atlanta, Georgia.

Upon closer inspection of the infamous line Vecna repeated as he consumed each victim, I discovered a message hiding in plain sight. In the dead center with three letters on each side the S and T come together as referring to the show’s title Stranger Things. Not so exciting, but the next one will be quite telling. There are three Is in the line “it is time.” If we change those Is to 1s we get 11 on the left side and 1 on the right side. The primary storyline for season four is quite literally the battle between Eleven, Jane Ives played by Millie Bobby Brown, and One, Vecna aka Henry Creel played by Jamie Campbell Bower.

Did the Duffer Brothers intentionally add this Easter egg when scripting this climactic season? No idea, but either way it’s a pretty cool coincidence if it wasn’t planned in advance by the show’s creators. When will we be reunited with our favorite cast in 2025? The clock is ticking, and it’s less than a minute to midnight…

I sought out a means to open my own doors. I sought your power. So don’t you see? Once have freed me. It is over, Eleven. Once, I had hoped to have you at my side. But only wish for you to watch.

— Vecna/One/Henry Creel as portrayed by Jamie Campbell Bower, Stranger Things Season Four. July 1, 2022.