Guiding the A.I. Moral Compass

Do you remember in Animal House when the Deltas stole the carbon copy sheets for the answers to the wrong exam? Yeah, some of A.I.’s architects are getting nailed for the same thing. Did Galen Erso design the first set of blueprints for how to build A.I. tools? It’s rather ingenious. Teach A.I. how to lie and cheat and steal. Then leave a breadcrumb trail to take it out of commission instantaneously.

What’s the easiest way to tell if A.I. art is using legally licensed content to build on is to look very closely at the details. A.I. generated typography wouldn’t include ligatures and glyphs because the person that taught and coded the A.I. wasn’t a graphic designer. They were just a thief plain and simple. It’s a dilemma so easy to fix: universally build all of the A.I. tools with a heavy helping of morals as the keystone of the code’s foundation. We get asked all the time if we accept the agreement to a new app we’ve downloaded, and they change those agreements all the time so we get updated ones as well that we’re again asked if we accept. Do we read the agreements? Most of the time, no we don’t. Without any hesitation we just check the box and click accept.

If every A.I. tool had a checkbox regarding accepting the agreement when using the tool just make sure there’s an algorithm in the tool’s code that checks for any illegal inputs. Have a built-in set of rules that gives A.I. a conscience, a moral compass. When the user or the tool itself decides to scrape sites like Getty without any knowledge or consent we must blame the architects and coders of the A.I. tool.

Send A.I. to preschool, kindergarten, and so on. Learn to be kind, period. Don’t steal or lie either. We can forgive A.I. because it only knows what it knows. The A.I. tool designers and coders are the ones that go to jail. The tools are just another hammer or nail.

The key problem is that rushing to produce yet another A.I. tool ahead of the competition sometimes gets the algorithm completely wrong and uses brute force rather than careful consideration. Why use “a bulldozer to find a China cup?,” baddie Belloq from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Learn from George Lucas and make sure you have all of the rights for toys, etc. tidied up so A.I. will know who to contact when it doesn’t know why it keeps using Disney logos and mouse ears hidden in every piece of AI art out there. Remember those posters with the hidden images in them? Cross your eyes and the hidden image appears? Yep. Just like the weakness buried deep inside the plans for the Death Star. It’s right there in plain sight, but cannot be seen until…Boom!

Be kind, rewind, and teach A.I. a generous code of ethics and best practices during the input phases of large language models machine learning.

There’s nothing wrong with the planet [or A.I.] It’s the people who are f#ck3d.
— George Carlin


Successful industries can be defined within a construct that relates very closely to how well-oiled its machines function as a whole. Somehow I’ve broken that model on a few occasions giving me insight as to the flaws in each system. Machines, not people, scan resumes and decide, based on algorithms, if someone is a good fit for a job based on key words. A.I. can generate a resume in an instant that will get the job offer while a professional designer’s resume doesn’t fit the model Word Document format for scanning so it goes directly into the trash bin. Another major missed opportunity. Have you ever been ghosted by the machine?

A few years ago I tried an experiment. I sent out 3,000+ resumes and heard back from less than 1%. Then without sending any more out I was approached by three potential top-notch employers. None of them had I sent a resume to. Two of the three went as far as presenting me an offer. I was still on what I call my “mental health walkabout” so I ended up declining both offers.

A couple of years later two more companies approached me. At one I tried interviewing for two different jobs within their organization. According to their recruiter they decided I was intentionally trying to deceive them by doing so. I figured it was a compliment that I’d like to work there in either capacity, but they didn’t see it that way. Another company pushed me through three rounds of interviews. Then out of nowhere they disappeared entirely. I reached out to their recruiter three times with no response.

Both companies black-balled and ghosted me. Thankfully, as it turned out, it was a blessing in disguise according to some mentors of mine. They told me I dodged a bullet.

So, with that said, I find it rather odd I was briskly pushed aside since nearly every job I’ve ever gotten since middle school was from a soon to be lifelong friend. One job always led to another, and so on. The times I was either let go or had to step down was directly due to my poor mental health at the time. If you know me, really know me, you know I’m a sharpshooter, but I’m also a straight shooter. Sometimes I’m rather frank in my response that sometimes offends people. My career history proves this statement is accurately assigned. Repeat business tells the truth. I have no apologies to offer to those folks that ghosted me or anyone else that displayed poor form to any other potential candidates. Don’t we deserve better?

Be kind, use your manners, and never make assumptions, especially if you’re on a hiring team. It’s more hurtful to the hiring company’s reputation in the end than the individual being ghosted. Word travels fast especially by word of mouth. A leader I follow and admire on LinkedIn pointed out I was very lucky having not gone to work for them. She pointed out if that’s how they treat someone they’re pursuing then just imagine how poorly their full-timers are treated. Whew! Dodged that bullet!

Karma has guided and protected me since I started freelancing when I was 12. I learned early on that my path contained many overlapping paths of others. I am thankful to be all in one piece. My childhood passions for art, technology, and storytelling have never been stronger. I’ve been playing, not working, for decades to make a living. I’ve never liked the term work/life balance. Drop the work. We’re here to play.

Many thanks to the folks at TTI for calling me, apologizing, and making things right. Others were not so kind. Be wary and vet your potential clients just as they vet you.

For whatever reasons, Ray. Call it fate. Call it luck. Call it karma. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that we were destined to get thrown out of this dump.

— Bill Murray as Peter Venkman, Ghostbusters, 1984

Bipolar Coordinates

The outline for my new book, Bipolar Coordinates, is officially underway. It will be presented as short stories of historical fiction. Somewhere between euphoria and madness I’ve managed to reach a point in my life in which I feel is the right time to share these stories. I’m delving deeper into the realms of light and dark passing through the physical and into the metaphysical world of existence. In a stream of consciousness style I’ll be going into vivid detail as an artist pushing oil paints and layering them on a living canvas. Having any mental or physical challenge isn’t the end or even the beginning of anything. Rather, it’s finding ways to live in the in-between world of the present. Living in both states simultaneously – mania and depression – and creating an equilibrium between the two. For me depression is living in the past and anxiety is worrying about the future. I challenge myself to not believe in the past or future. The only time we have is now.

I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

— J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

“I Have a Bad [ Ass ] Feeling About This” (updated, again, and again)

Having some fun with Real Lens Flares. This street sign in my neighborhood seemed appropriate as a backdrop for Maxon’s latest incarnation of lens flare tools. Like most of us I’ve added glints to many a comp. In most cases the look of the flare had nothing technically tying it into the shot. The Creative Director would just say: “make it look cool, think Transformers.” Now Maxon has developed a true lens flare simulator that adheres to the actual physics of optical artifacts and aberrations.

This lens flare lab gives folks the ability to add realistic flares that will match the lenses from their shoot, not just visually striking, but accurate as well. I know a bit about photography, but was a bit intimidated by Real Lens Flares at first. I felt I needed to take a Masters-level course on cameras and lenses in order to accurately match my footage. Maybe they’ll add the ability to do automatic camera lens matching.

Technically these three examples aren’t “correct,” but they looked good to me so I ran with it. Currently there are no 3D tools built into the engine like Knoll Light Factory. If one wants to make these flares 3D then head on over to Dan Ebbert’s site. That’s where I borrowed some code for the concept project I made for what became Knoll 3D Flare for Red Giant Software 14 years ago.

Anamorphic update, March 29, 2023: In the latest Maxon One update anamorphic flares have been added to the presets for Real Lens Flares. This fairly new tool can be found under the RG VFX set of tools in Adobe After Effects. They’ve added auto-anamorphic options as well, aiding the user to design and build anamorphic flares of their own. I’m still hoping they will add 3D features similar to those in Knoll Light Factory like Adobe After Effects light-linking, camera support, and obscuration options.

3D flares update, as of the latest Maxon One update in November 2023: Real Lens Flares now supports 3D positional and light linking options. However, I could not find any obscuration controls for 3D and RGB Obscuration as found in Knoll Light Factory via the Knoll 3D Flare addition in 2009. These were welcome and rather powerful additions when we designed Knoll 3D Flare. Just check the box and it just worked. No need for time consuming hacks by making duplicates of comps. Enabling 3D Obscuration felt like absolute magic while orbiting around a 3D scene in After Effects where there are dozens of 3D layers.

Another 3D flares update as of March, 2024: Real Lens Flares now supports obscuration controls, but is still not complete 15 years later. One of the best features of Knoll 3D Flare (K3DF) that Red Giant Software gave away for free in 2009 were the included professional obscuration controls. When the three of us were designing K3DF the last requests made by myself and Aharon Rabinowitz to Dan Ebberts was to add true 3D Obscuration that also supported RGB Color Tinting of the flare allowing the flare’s color to be influenced by all of the layers obscuring the flare as they stacked up in Z space. He allowed for multiple layers obscuring the flare’s line of sight to the camera to additively build up and combine their colors and transparency values.

For K3DF Dan added the code so that all 3D layers’ alphas and RGB values combined within 3D space in Adobe After Effects which allowed the lights/flares to move amidst them in X, Y, and Z space without the need for making holdout mattes, usually precomps, for each layer as they obscured the lights/flares. It truly simplified the obscuration process where, for instance, a comp had a dozen or more 3D layers with animated lights and/or animated cameras. This process was just a check box. Turn it on and enjoy the magic! I was able to drop a light into a scene and move it in, around, and even through a tunnel of dozens of 3D layers with no complicated additional matte work involved.

Based on the current sluggishness of Real Lens Flares on my system running an RTX 3090 this may be a telling sign as to why they aren’t adding true 3D Obscuration yet supporting additive 3D layer tinting and transparency influence and light color linking options. K3DF took a week to design and code by three people trying to stay ahead of the release of Video Copilot’s Optical Flares. This time there’s no real rush for Real Lens Flares, and maybe that’s a good thing considering it is rendering highly realistic flares based on actual real world data compared to the artistic flares of old. Either way I’m still looking forward to seeing what they cook up next at Maxon. They’ve got a bright future. I couldn't resist.


Spontaneous Combustion

When I was nine my father surprised me with quite a gift when he returned from a business trip: the Raiders of the Lost Ark The Illustrated Screenplay that was chocked full of storyboards, and at it’s heart a story that redefined the Hollywood hero. I was enamored with the visual effects planning I discovered near the back of the book. There were the blueprints revealing how the masters at ILM would create the most spectacular movie ending filled with “lightning, fire, the power of God or something,” warned Indy to the government stooges.

I cherish this fascinating book to this day. I even have two copies; one for the collector in me, and the other the original that my father gave me as a kid. Spielberg’s description of the spontaneity of generating ideas goes to show us that they can come rushing in at any moment, even in the middle of the night. I can totally relate. I’ve created some of my best work, as a child and also professionally, between the hours of midnight and dawn the following day. That’s when my mind is the most free and unfiltered.

The forward, written by Steven Spielberg, struck me like a bolt of lightning. He described in such visceral detail the variable incarnation of the creative process. Unlike Doc Brown knowing the exact moment when the bolt of lightning would strike the clock tower via Marty McFly’s knowledge of the future while in the past, we never really know when we’ll be struck next, many times in the middle of the night…

“An electrical impulse seizes the brain and snaps the eyes wide open in the dark. The adrenaline reaches the heart and no matter what time it is, the hand is wildly groping for something to write with. On the open flap of a book of matches, a shredded paper napkin, the cover of TV Guide, or on the palm of the hand, an idea is born. An unsuspecting world goes about its business…then, a year, three years, five years later the palm print is on everybody’s lips in a dozen languages, crossing over a score of cultures, religions, and ideologies. The world has a dashing hero, a magical diversion – a new movie.”

– Introduction excerpt from Steven Spielberg, Los Angeles, California, June 1981, from Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Illustrated Screenplay

Thawing Out My Flux Capacitor

I’ve been “on-ice,” so to speak, for the past five years and four months. I was heavily medicated with high doses of lithium for my bipolar manic episodes. Even while unable to write my own name during that time I practiced mindfulness, meditation, and opposite action. The tools I learned at many an institution during those years served me well. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) quite literally saved my life even when my body eventually became toxic to the lithium. My accelerated transition from lithium to Seroquel caused my mind to open up in such a way as to unravel the mysteries of the universe itself, and our oneness with it. Doctor Edgar Mitchell’s awakening during his Apollo 14 mission’s return to Earth in the early 1970s mirrors my own experience nearly verbatim. I had no prior knowledge of him, Alan Watts, Delores Cannon or others who are all well known for their mind-bending views regarding the tapestry of our universal, cosmic oneness.

Last night, Darth Vader came down from Planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn’t take Lorraine out, that he’d melt my brain.

— Crispin Glover as George McFly in Back To The Future, 1985

Struggling with my bipolar (manic-depression) has taken me from superhero to supervillain in a roller coaster ride of vibrant realities and darkest of delusions. Three months ago I was ready push forward and start taking on contract work again. Then suddenly my medication was adjusted due to a major health risk due to lithium toxicity. Lithium was my mood stabilizer for thirteen years, and when it was removed my brain decided to take me on a carnival cruise to hell and back. The delusions of grandeur and hallucinations were glaring signs that something was going awry.

I checked in with my psychiatrist much more often, and within just a few days in this altered state I was rushed to the hospital. Three or four days later I found myself back at The Carolina Center for Behavioral Health; my home away from home. I was so relieved when I realized where I was. I cannot stress how important the generously kind staff and friends I’ve made on the units there. I’ve been there six or seven times since 2018, and I am so thankful for their care and attention to getting me stabilized. At one point my own psychiatrist was their fearless leader.

I also have Favor of Greenville to thank for the year I spent attending weekly noon meetings, nightly skills training, and visits to patients at The Carolina Center to share my experiences. Every connection made strengthened my will to continue to fight and win my battle with bipolar. It’s incredibly enlightening and humbling to hear others’ stories, and how well they line up with mine. I continue sharing my experiences giving hope to those who have just begun their own recovery.

By shedding light on our challenges we realize we’re all in this together. There is truly strength in our numbers. The purpose of me sharing my story gives me the opportunity to do my part in chipping away at stigma surrounding mental health. So many folks I’ve highly admired like my Uncle Bobby, Jim Carrey, Phil Tippett, Carrie Fisher, Richard Dreyfuss, Virginia Woolf, Sting, Buzz Aldrin, Winston Churchill, Linda Hamilton, David Harbour, Dick Cavett, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Ted Turner, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Frank Sinatra, Halsey, Francis Ford Coppola, Selena Gomez, and diagnosed posthumously are Edvard Munch, Vincent Van Gogh, and Jackson Pollock to name just a few, all fight the battle. There’s a couple of books I’ve added to my recommended to the right and down of this post that opened my eyes in the early days and weeks when I was first diagnosed at thirty-seven. I hope you enjoy them as I did.

It’s amazing how the creative mind and mental health challenges go hand in hand. Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament by Kay Redfield Jamison does a deep dive into the creative spark for so many artists throughout history. In An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness, also by Kay Redfield Jamison, she shares her own personal struggles with her mental health. Her words serve as a beacon for so many of us when we find ourselves heading into the dark side of our minds.

I’m thankful to say I’m doing quite well now and able to fully harness my creative lightning once again. I’ve dubbed my Seroquel my “Superman pills.”


Celebrating 27 years of design, animation, effects, and friendships. This roster represents the many brands I’ve been trusted with to deliver solid creative, training, and consulting for nearly 3 decades as well as the design groups, production companies, post houses, and other friendly folks that have guided me through this journey.

Karma has been on my side, fueled by word of mouth advertising. One project literally led to the next. These ongoing relationships have lasted for anywhere between a couple of weeks to 14, even 19 years in the cases of The Weather Channel and Georgia Museum of Art. So thankful for the friendships and memories. Looking forward to 27 more. ;)

It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage.

— Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in Raiders of the Lost Ark, 1981

Peek Behind the Curtain

Fourteen years ago, when I was the Motion Design Director and Partner at Outpost Pictures a little gem of a project crossed our desk. Like so many of my generation Indiana Jones was our ultimate hero. This seemed like just the right opportunity to pretend for a few weeks to build a Jonesy-type world for one of our favorite clients, Southern Living at Home. We pitched the concept for their annual meeting to Gary Wright, SLAH’s fearless Marketing leader, at Southern Living at Home. He leaped at the opportunity to don the fedora and crack the whip! In order to showcase Gary as the world traveler he was we built multiple locations from the Pyramids of Egypt to somewhere lost in the Himalayas, and eventually going over the falls in the heart of the Amazon jungle.

This project was such a treat! We used nearly every technique available at the time including leaf blowers, CG mosquitoes, and even reconstructing the waterfalls scene by building a 3D comp out of one large photo. We didn’t use salt for the falls. We incorporated particle sims from one of my preset packs I built for Red Giant’s Trapcode Particular earlier that year. It really brought the falls to life.

Let’s take a deep dive into building out the Indiana Jones-inspired alternate reality for Southern Living At Home’s Gary Wright and the Trek for the Ultimate Trip!

Gary brought his inner Indy to the stage, never breaking character while fleeing from the natives.

Above: extensive environment work placed Gary right in the middle of the action-packed scenes. Particle sims and animated fractal textures were employed for Gary’s breath, wind gusts, and his frosty breath. Below: For the waterfalls reveal this scene was stitched together with 3D cards set up to face the camera. Trapcode Particular was used for the waterfalls, mosquitoes, and birds.

Spice Up Your Comps

I’ve trained artists in Adobe After Effects and Apple Final Cut Pro from CNN, New England Sports Network, The Weather Channel, The Weather Channel Latin America, Georgia Pacific Television, Philips Arena, and SpiritWild Productions, among others, over the years.

Here are some of the high points from the customized training sessions presented here as CompBook. I hope you will find some value in these concepts that apply to many editing and compositing scenarios. These are the 30 key ingredients to the secret sauce.

Get the comp cookbook here.

Pre-Dark Mode Dark Mode

I designed this pre-Dark Mode macOS theme for myself and my post production friends utilizing Flavours by Interacto back in the Fall of 2014. It’s a lot easier on the eyes than the standard macOS bright white theme.

This theme is included in the 128 bundled themes with the last version developed by the kind folks at Interacto. 4 years later Apple released an official Dark Mode built into the macOS that was a welcomed addition by all.

Chose My Own Adventure

Growing up I was inspired by Starlog movie magic breakdowns, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rule book artwork, and surf, skate, and auto magazine layouts. I have fond memories playing Zork and Pitfall II Lost Caverns on my Commodore 64 where I drew my first pixel painting of Indiana Jones with the cursor keys. I was fascinated with Print Shop’s font selections. Choose Your Own Adventure and Fighting Fantasy lined my book shelf. I built model aircraft while anticipating their crash landings in the backyard.

I acquired a thirst for plotting my own adventures in the graphic arts early on. I embraced drawing and photography in elementary school. My Dad bought me my first computer, a Commodore 64, at age 11. I sold my first watercolor painting when I was 12. At 16 I illustrated design concepts for an amusement park ride inventor. Hundreds of caricatures and dozens of airbrushed Simpsons T-shirts later I headed off to art school in Savannah, Georgia.

After completing my foundation courses at Savannah College of Art & Design in Savannah, Georgia, I decided to pursue graphic design in Athens at UGA. Their graphic design program was riding the cusp between veteran techniques like marker and Rapidograph renderings and the influences of Macintosh computers redefining layout through digitally dialing in H&Js in QuarkXPress and being able to design logos digitally in Illustrator. I traded in my French curves and T-square for Bézier curves. Photoshop was in its infancy and didn’t support layers until well into our senior year. Little did I know that 90% of my career would be realized through what was essentially Photoshop in motion.After two years pushing pixels on a Quantel Harriet and SGI Discreet Logic Flint I transitioned overnight to After Effects. Brian Maffitt’s VHS training sealed the deal. I was also fortunate to meet the kind folks at Toolfarm who helped us blaze our Mac desktop-centric trail. Through Puffin Design’s VHS Masters of Visual Effects we further expanded our post production knowledge working with fields, frames, and 3:2 pulldown.

Another wave dropped me in somewhere between 16 and 35mm film and the Sony DigiBeta. A few years later I began freelancing full-time working from my home office locked and loaded with my first modest AE render farm. Portable hard drives filled with QuickTime movies allowed for tapeless delivery.

I've built lifelong relationships with fellow team members, mentors, partners, collaborators, students, vendors, and clients. Their ongoing support and trust in me provided opportunities I could have only dreamed of without their faith in me. I am truly humbled by their willingness to help me along my path.


Title Design

Need custom title designs to accompany your stories? I’ve been building these custom titles as an ongoing personal project for awhile now. I recently spent some time putting some of them in motion. I’ll post them sooner or later.

Designed via sketches, then cleaned up in Illustrator. When I first started a few years back I built them in After Effects with Element 3D. I eventually moved over to Cinema 4D for much more control over the creative process.

Sodas of the South

Rivals Pepsi and Coca-Cola have explored dozens of logos and logotype variants for over 125 years. The graphic below is a mere snapshot of some of my favorites. Coke’s approach was that of refining whereas Pepsi’s approaches sometimes completely abandoned their heritage as in their logo fiasco in their 2014 rollout by Arnell Group. The 27-page design manifesto was riddled with esoteric, mind-numbing language. The advertising community mocked this failure as “breathtaking.”

Of course I’m biased to Pepsi as my family heritage is from areas of North and South Carolina. I grew up with this not-too-sweet soda elixir. When I finally got around to trying Coke I didn’t care for it as it tasted much sweeter than Pepsi. I ended up spending nearly half of my career in Atlanta. I hope no one ever questions my love for Pepsi. I worked on a design project for World of Coke while in Atlanta. The Coca-Colo logo still has a legibility issue though. To me it reads as “Coca-Gola.” Wink ;-)

2024 update! I had the pleasure of seeing the new Pepsi logo in the wild while at lunch today on January 19, 2024. The new identity was designed by PepsiCo’s in-house Design and Innovation Team. This mindful approach delivers a direct nod to their design roots incorporating the red and blue waves while stepping boldly into the future with a unique twist on the brand’s hand-styled typography. I’m still trying to embrace the newly styled Ps, and the E needs something. It doesn’t relate to the other letters as well as it could. I’m getting an uncanny gas station logo vibe, too.

Unapologetically current and undeniably Pepsi.

— Mauro Porcini, SVP and Chief Design Officer at PepsiCo

Words To Live By

Wise words from some of the wise ones that inspired and shaped my own state of mind. The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale, 1952) is not only a must-read book, it’s a celebrated way of navigating life.

You can fail at what you don’t want so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love. You will only ever have two choices: love or fear. Choose love and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.
— Jim Carrey

Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.
— Carrie Fisher

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
— Steve Jobs

You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.
— Robin Williams

You know what music is? God’s little reminder that there’s something else besides us in this universe; harmonic connection between all living beings, everywhere even the stars.

— Robin Williams, as Maxwell “Wizard” Wallace in August Rush, 2007